May was the absolute best time to spend two weeks in Chicago! All the flowers were in bloom and there are tulips everywhere! It was so great to get away from the 100 degree weather that consumes Orlando and experience a bit of spring!

We visited the Lincoln Park Zoo on our last day. Zach has not been to a zoo since he was a little guy and doesn't remember that far back, so it was a real treat for him. Let's just say he freaked out a few times. One suggestion to Chicago visitors, go to the zoo early in the day. We went in the afternoon and it was feeding time so half of the animals had their backs to us.

Besides spending time with family and friends, this was my favorite thing we did on our trip! The vintage market that happens a few times a year, with over 50 vendors and so much awesomeness! I was in heaven!
I will also be posting a few others from my Holga 120 and from our collaborative bridal shoot over the next few weeks!